Self-Pub Resource List

Getting started as a self-published author can be tough! Below is a list of links I’ve found helpful over my author career. I also recommend listening to the podcast The Human Exception (of which I am a co-host); episodes 138-139 go over self-pub 101 in detail and why these links are so useful. You can listen to those below or on your choice of music/podcast apps.

Please note that these recommendations are largely based off my own self-publishing journey, but only entries for cover artists, marketers, and editors with an asterisk beside them are ones I’ve used personally/have experience with. A mention below is not in any way tantamount to a testimonial.

The document is available for download as a PDF HERE. (Redirects to Google Drive.) All the links in the PDF are live.


cOVER Art Resources

Folks who do premade and custom covers (No AI)

Artists (Covers, Character art, etc.)


Great for making your own covers & marketing materials




  • Do not pay individual “bookish” accounts for reviews. You’ll get these random messages on Facebook and IG. Just trash them. Services like BookSirens and BookSprout are there for a reason. Paying for reviews is also against policy on platforms like Kindle.

  • Err on the side of caution when working with a cover designer and editor for the first time, and make sure you’ve seen concrete examples of their work AND talked to them over social media or email. Don’t hire anyone without that!

  • You can and probably will update your cover(s) at some point. You can absolutely keep the same ISBN but updated cover art can be a boon for sales. It also lets you promote the book almost like it’s new!

  • Don’t agonize over sales - which means don’t pour money into your books that you can’t comfortably part with. It is actually possible to publish without spending a cent, but most of us do spend something.

  • DON’T READ REVIEWS after a certain point. I read early reviews to pull quotes for marketing, but once a book with within a few weeks of publication, I walk away from sites like Goodreads. Reviews are completely subjective. You will never please every reader. I live by “death of the author” and I recommend it as a solid mindset as you move through your writer career.

  • DO attend live events if you can! My best readers largely come from Pride events in my area and it’s truly a remarkable experience.

  • DO offer your local library a copy of your book but DON’T be offended if they can’t take it.